Package javax.jdo

Interface Summary
Extent Instances of the Extent class represent the entire collection of instances in the data store of the candidate class possibly including its subclasses.
InstanceCallbacks A PersistenceCapable class that provides callback methods for life cycle events implements this interface.
PersistenceCapable A class that can be managed by a JDO implementation.
PersistenceCapable.ObjectIdFieldManager This interface is used to copy fields to the Object id instance.
PersistenceManager PersistenceManager is the primary interface for JDO-aware application components.
PersistenceManagerFactory The PersistenceManagerFactory is the interface to use to obtain PersistenceManager instances.
Query The Query interface allows applications to obtain persistent instances from the data store.
Transaction The JDO Transaction interface provides for initiation and completion of transactions under user control.

Class Summary
JDOHelper This class can be used by a JDO-aware application to call the JDO behavior of PersistenceCapable instances without declaring them to be PersistenceCapable.
JDOImplHelper This class is a helper class for JDO implementations.
JDOImplHelper.Meta This is a helper class to manage metadata per persistence-capable class.
JDOPermission The JDOPermission class is for operations that are reserved for JDO implementations and should not be called by other code.

Exception Summary
JDOCanRetryException This is the base class for exceptions that can be retried.
JDODataStoreException This class represents data store exceptions that can be retried..
JDOException This is the root of all JDO Exceptions.
JDOFatalDataStoreException This class represents data store exceptions that cannot be retried.
JDOFatalException This class represents exceptions that are fatal; that is, the condition that caused it cannot be bypassed even if the operation is retried.
JDOFatalInternalException This class represents errors in the implementation for which no user error handling is possible.
JDOFatalUserException This class represents user errors that cannot be retried.
JDOUnsupportedOptionException This class represents exceptions caused by the use of optional features not supported by the JDO implementation.
JDOUserException This class represents user errors that can possibly be retried.

Authors: Thomas Mahler and others. (C) 2000, 2001.
All rights reserved. Published under the Gnu Public License.
Version: 0.8.375, 2002-04-04