Interface Extent

public interface Extent

Instances of the Extent class represent the entire collection of instances in the data store of the candidate class possibly including its subclasses.

The Extent instance has two possible uses:

  1. to iterate all instances in of a particular class
  2. to execute a Query in the data store over all instances of a particular class


Method Summary
 void close(java.util.Iterator it)
          Close an Iterator associated with this Extent instance.
 void closeAll()
          Close all Iterators associated with this Extent instance.
 java.lang.Class getCandidateClass()
          An Extent contains all instances of a particular Class in the data store; this method returns the Class of the instances
 PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager()
          An Extent is managed by a PersistenceManager; this method gives access to the owning PersistenceManager.
 boolean hasSubclasses()
          Returns whether this Extent was defined to contain subclasses.
 java.util.Iterator iterator()
          Returns an iterator over all the instances in the Extent.

Method Detail


public java.util.Iterator iterator()
Returns an iterator over all the instances in the Extent.

an iterator over all instances in the Extent


public boolean hasSubclasses()
Returns whether this Extent was defined to contain subclasses.

true if this Extent was defined to contain instances that are of a subclass type


public java.lang.Class getCandidateClass()
An Extent contains all instances of a particular Class in the data store; this method returns the Class of the instances

the Class of instances of this Extent


public PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager()
An Extent is managed by a PersistenceManager; this method gives access to the owning PersistenceManager.

the owning PersistenceManager


public void closeAll()
Close all Iterators associated with this Extent instance. Iterators closed by this method will return false to hasNext() and will throw NoSuchElementException on next(). The Extent instance can still be used as a parameter of Query.setExtent, and to get an Iterator.


public void close(java.util.Iterator it)
Close an Iterator associated with this Extent instance. Iterators closed by this method will return false to hasNext() and will throw NoSuchElementException on next(). The Extent instance can still be used as a parameter of Query.setExtent, and to get an Iterator.

it - an iterator obtained by the method iterator() on this Extent instance.

Authors: Thomas Mahler and others. (C) 2000, 2001.
All rights reserved. Published under the Gnu Public License.
Version: 0.8.375, 2002-04-04