Class JDOImplHelper.Meta

Enclosing class:

static class JDOImplHelper.Meta
extends java.lang.Object

This is a helper class to manage metadata per persistence-capable class. The information is used at runtime to provide field names and field types to the JDO Model. This is the value of the HashMap which relates the PersistenceCapable Class as a key to the metadata.

Field Summary
(package private)  byte[] fieldFlags
          This is an array of field flags used for the Model at runtime.
(package private)  java.lang.String[] fieldNames
          This is an array of field names used for the Model at runtime.
(package private)  java.lang.Class[] fieldTypes
          This is an array of field types used for the Model at runtime.
(package private)  PersistenceCapable pc
          This is an instance of PersistenceCapable, used at runtime to create new instances.
(package private)  java.lang.Class persistenceCapableSuperclass
          This is the Class instance of the PersistenceCapable superclass.
Constructor Summary
(package private) JDOImplHelper.Meta(java.lang.String[] fieldNames, java.lang.Class[] fieldTypes, byte[] fieldFlags, java.lang.Class persistenceCapableSuperclass, PersistenceCapable pc)
          Construct an instance of Meta.
Method Summary
(package private)  byte[] getFieldFlags()
          Get the field types from the metadata.
(package private)  java.lang.String[] getFieldNames()
          Get the field names from the metadata.
(package private)  java.lang.Class[] getFieldTypes()
          Get the field types from the metadata.
(package private)  PersistenceCapable getPC()
          Get an instance of the PersistenceCapable class.
(package private)  java.lang.Class getPersistenceCapableSuperclass()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


java.lang.String[] fieldNames
This is an array of field names used for the Model at runtime. The field is passed by the static class initialization.


java.lang.Class[] fieldTypes
This is an array of field types used for the Model at runtime. The field is passed by the static class initialization.


byte[] fieldFlags
This is an array of field flags used for the Model at runtime. The field is passed by the static class initialization.


java.lang.Class persistenceCapableSuperclass
This is the Class instance of the PersistenceCapable superclass.


PersistenceCapable pc
This is an instance of PersistenceCapable, used at runtime to create new instances.

Constructor Detail


JDOImplHelper.Meta(java.lang.String[] fieldNames,
                   java.lang.Class[] fieldTypes,
                   byte[] fieldFlags,
                   java.lang.Class persistenceCapableSuperclass,
                   PersistenceCapable pc)
Construct an instance of Meta.

fieldNames - An array of String
fieldTypes - An array of Class
pc - An instance of the PersistenceCapable class
Method Detail


java.lang.String[] getFieldNames()
Get the field names from the metadata.

the array of field names.


java.lang.Class[] getFieldTypes()
Get the field types from the metadata.

the array of field types.


byte[] getFieldFlags()
Get the field types from the metadata.

the array of field types.


java.lang.Class getPersistenceCapableSuperclass()


PersistenceCapable getPC()
Get an instance of the PersistenceCapable class.

an instance of the PC Class.

Authors: Thomas Mahler and others. (C) 2000, 2001.
All rights reserved. Published under the Gnu Public License.
Version: 0.8.375, 2002-04-04