
Interface Summary
Query represents Queries that can be used by the OJB PersistenceBroker to retrieve Objects from the underlying DB.

Class Summary
BetweenCriteria SelectionCriteria for 'between x and y'
Criteria Persistent Criteria can be used to retrieve sets of objects based on their attributes Normally each attribute is ANDed together, an OR can be performed by creating a new PersistentCriteria and adding it.
EqualToColumnCriteria Add equal to criteria, can also take wildcards '*' represents any string '.' represents a single characters
EqualToCriteria Add equal to criteria, can also take wildcards '*' represents any string '.' represents a single characters
ExistsCriteria SelectionCriteria for [not] exists(sub query)
GreaterOrEqualCriteria Equal or Greater than criteria
GreaterThanCriteria Greater than criteria
InCriteria SelectionCriteria for 'in (a,b,c..)'
LessOrEqualCriteria Equal or Greater than criteria
NotEqualToCriteria Add not equal to criteria
NullCriteria SelectionCriteria for 'is null' and 'is not null'
OJBSearchFilter OJB Search Filter Class for ObJectRelationalBridge O/R mapping tool This class builds a search filter tree, specifing how names and values are to be compared when searching a database.
QueryByCriteria represents a search by criteria.
QueryByExample represents a search by example.
QueryByMtoNCriteria represents a search by criteria.
QueryFactory Insert the type's description here.
SearchFilter Class to build selection criteria for searches Search Filter Class (Abstract) This class builds a search filter tree, specifing how names and values are to be compared when searching a database.
SelectionCriteria Superclass of all criteria classes, can't be instantiated.
SqlCriteria SelectionCriteria for free form sql "REVERSE(name) like 're%'"

Exception Summary

Authors: Thomas Mahler and others. (C) 2000, 2001.
All rights reserved. Published under the Gnu Public License.
Version: 0.8.375, 2002-04-04