Interface MaterializationListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MaterializationListener

This is a callback interface that allows interaction with the Materialization process of the IndirectionHandler The ODMG TransactionImpl implements this interface to provide a delayed registration mechanism for proxies.

Method Summary
 void afterMaterialization(IndirectionHandler handler, java.lang.Object materializedObject)
          this callback is invoked after an Object is materialized within an IndirectionHandler.
 void beforeMaterialization(IndirectionHandler handler, Identity oid)
          this callback is invoked before an Object is materialized within an IndirectionHandler.

Method Detail


public void beforeMaterialization(IndirectionHandler handler,
                                  Identity oid)
this callback is invoked before an Object is materialized within an IndirectionHandler.

handler - the invoking handler
oid - the identity of the object to be materialized


public void afterMaterialization(IndirectionHandler handler,
                                 java.lang.Object materializedObject)
this callback is invoked after an Object is materialized within an IndirectionHandler.

handler - the invoking handler
materializedObject - the materialized Object

Authors: Thomas Mahler and others. (C) 2000, 2001.
All rights reserved. Published under the Gnu Public License.
Version: 0.8.375, 2002-04-04